Patryk Górczyński
An expert experienced in multidimensional sales support.
For 20 years, he has been supporting retail chains and well-known brands
in implementation of new products and sales strategies.
Supports companies to strengthen their results and market position.
He co-created and implemented the largest merchandising projects
in Poland, incl. for Carrefour and Tesco.
Co-responsible for the development of ASM Group,
which specializes in providing comprehensive
sales support services and outsourcing in Europe.
Participates in the sessions:
Hygiene and price, or whether Poles actually buy in a different manner
- A new decalogue of Polish consumers
- The experience of the corona crisis – habits versus new needs
- The stream of expenditures has changed its course
- Consumers dictate terms: Where? How? Is it really so?
- A corona-sceptic is a customer too. What about the mask?
- Meat and milk substitutes: What do consumers expect?