Robert Rękas
Lewiatan Holding
Since 2020, he has been CEO of Lewiatan Holding S.A. A manager with broad experience in the food sector. He has worked for Polska Sieć Handlowa Lewiatan since 2013. First, he was Director of Operations in charge of Lewiatan’s nine regional companies. In February 2019, he became member of the Board of Directors of Lewiatan Holding S.A. and managed the strategic team responsible for the development and implementation of a new strategy for PSH Lewiatan for 2020-2025. Earlier in his career, he had worked for such companies as Eurocash Group and Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company.
He graduated from SGH Warsaw School of Economics and completed postgraduate studies at Kozminski University and Rzeszow University of Technology.
Participates in the sessions:
Retail as a hero – a new image and new requirements
- A new role for shops – as havens of social stability
- More requirements, less rights: Is retail capable of bearing the new responsibilities?
- Retail under close scrutiny by authorities, suppliers and consumers
- Reformatting market expectations: more local suppliers and shorter payment terms
- The evolution of stationary retail. New shopping centre formats and hybrid development models
- Will retail be hiring or firing?