Forum Rynku Spożywczego i HandluForum Rynku Spożywczego i Handlu


HoReCaTrendsTalks Part 2: Agile restaurant/catering businesses | Flexible suppliers. HoReCaTrendsTalks Hyde Park

9 November 2021 • 13:30-15:00 • Ballroom B

Thematic scope

  • The restaurant and catering industry intermingles with food production – restaurants have turned into delicatessen during the pandemic
  • The boom in food delivery and dark kitchen
  • The café market during the pandemic
  • Co-operation between suppliers and the restaurant and catering industry – acting together against the consequences of the pandemic
  • HoReCaTrendsTalks Hyde Park – a series of comments and opinions by people from the industry about current topics in the HoReCa world

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