Kacper Nosarzewski
Member of the Board, Polish Society for Futures Studies (Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów nad Przyszłością); Partner, 4CF
Kacper Nosarzewski is a partner at 4CF and a board member of the Polish Society for Futures Studies. He is the author of methodologies and facilitator of foresight projects for civilian and military clients, a NATO expert. Kacper advises on strategic foresight enterprises and international institutions, such as UNESCO and UNDP. He led the project Scenarios of National Development 2050 for the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure and Development. Kacper has managed projects for medium and large companies and government agencies around the world in the high-tech, food and beverage, financial, logistics and defense industries. He is a member of the Polish branch of The Millennium Project - the world's largest foresight think tank and a member of the Association of Professional Futurists and World Future Society. He teaches foresight at the Naval Academy, AGH University of Science.
Participates in the sessions:
Food in a VUCA world – trends, the market, and the law
- Environmentally friendly = economical? Production and products in harmony with nature and zero waste
- Which of the pandemic trends will stay with us for longer?
- What has the pandemic taught us? Companies – lessons learnt
- The National Recovery Plan, the Polish Deal and other legislative solutions: What impact do they have on food business?
- The rising prices of raw materials and higher levies + the Green Deal. Is it the end of the era of increasing volumes?
- Sugary drink tax, retail sales tax, advertising tax, and packaging tax versus the profitability of companies
- New packaging designs. The security deposit system – a revolution for food companies