Agnieszka Kisielewska
Partner, Head of the Customs and Excise Team
Tax adviser specialising in customs and excise issues.
Supports entrepreneurs in customs and excise aspects of doing business internationally.
Advises Polish and international entrepreneurs, inter alia, in their foreign expansion, in planning supply chains, in obtaining customs and excise permits, as well as in determining the origin of goods, their classification and customs value.
She represents importers, exporters and customs agencies in tax and customs proceedings and before administrative courts.
She acts as an expert for business organisations, including the Business Centre Club.
She is an active member and secretary of the GLCA (Global Legal Customs Association – an international network of experts in the field of customs and international trade).
Participates in the sessions:
Food and packaging without a trace – reduce, reuse, recycle
- Eco-production, zero waste, sustainable packaging, and second-hand shopping – or circular trends
- Green thinking in production and distribution
- Designing packaging worthy of the green revolution
- New technologies and artificial intelligence in the service of waste management
- The Plastics Directive, the deposit system, and producer responsibility – legal and fiscal conditions