Artur Woźniak
Makarony Polskie
Since July 2021 works as CEO at leading pasta and ready meal producer Makarony Polskie SA.
Executive, who works recent 22 years for wide range of packaging industries as well as for food business. He managed big manufacturing companies both in Poland and abroad.
He was a co-founder of Polish Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce, member of polish and foreign business and industrial associations. Since 2016 Member of Board at Fundacja Społeczeństwa Wiedzy Think.
Supporter and evangelist of lean management concept and circular economy .
Makarony Polskie SA Group own 3 pasta plants ( Rzeszów, Częstochowa, Korpele) i 1 ready meal plant ( Stoczek Natura -Stoczek łukowski).
Participates in the sessions:
Food and packaging without a trace – reduce, reuse, recycle
- Eco-production, zero waste, sustainable packaging, and second-hand shopping – or circular trends
- Green thinking in production and distribution
- Designing packaging worthy of the green revolution
- New technologies and artificial intelligence in the service of waste management
- The Plastics Directive, the deposit system, and producer responsibility – legal and fiscal conditions