Rafał Zarzecki
Chairman of the Board
President of Citronex, PPO Siechnice and initiator of economic and business activity.
Since 1998, it has expanded the import and maturation of bananas. Creator of five modern banana ripening and distribution centers in Poland, Romania and Hungary.
It has always been based on individual - flexible delivery models, supported by its own intermodal solutions, taking into account the minimization of CO2 emissions.
Another dynamically developing branch of Rafał Zarzecki's activity is the production of greenhouse tomatoes and vegetables in Poland, illuminated by HPS and LED lamps. He is inspired by a qualitative and natural approach to vegetable production, as evidenced by the high taste qualities of tomatoes.
Our greenhouses produce the most frequently chosen raspberry tomatoes by consumers.
Expert actions resulted in the establishment of the Raspberry Tomato Producers Association, and also represents the affairs of Polish producers in Poland and on the international arena.
Experience and knowledge often put him in the role of the quoted expert.
Participates in the sessions:
Managing an FMCG company in a changing world
- Supply chains under pressure
- Digitalisation as a response to the challenges of out-of-the-ordinary disruption
- Rapid response to change – insights from data analysis
- Labour market flexibility – new models, outsourcing, and foreigners
- Optimal internal logistics and warehousing – a source of advantage
- Food passporting, and blockchain: What, where and when?