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#green trends: ESG in the food industry: the well-being of animals, the climate, the consumer

6 November 2023 • 12:45-14:00 • Ballroom A

Thematic scope

  • Is ESG more than just a responsibility? What business benefits can implementation of various
    aspects of the ESG strategy bring to companies (climate, well-being, environment)?
  • What does ESG mean for consumers? How will consumers of food products benefit from new
    guidelines for businesses and EU legislative changes?
  • Well-being of animals, the climate, the consumer in strategies of food-related companies. Practical
  • Is a sustainable food system resilient to war, crises and global turmoil?
  • ESG. How can the legislator support food-related companies?
  • Producing healthier food is good for companies. How can the food industry influence consumer health
    without losing profits?

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