Jakub Borowski
Main Economist
Credit Agricole Bank Polska SA
PhD holder in economics, chief economist at Credit Agricole Bank Polska. In 2012-2015, member of Economic Council by the President of Council of Ministers. Honoured in forecasts rankings by NBP, Rzeczpospolita, Parkiet, Puls Biznesu, Focus Ecomomics as well as by Reuters and Bloomberg.
Participates in the sessions:
#strategy trends: What about food, production and consumption? Business is looking for increasingly easier answers to increasingly more difficult questions
- What are the enablers, and the disablers, of the Polish food industry?
- Dynamic change as a new norm: the food industry never stops: the economy, the consumer, the
technology - Food, production, consumption in an era of AI: technologies of the future, the development of
companies, the health of consumers - Green economy in food – a change requiring involvement