Małgorzata Bojańczyk
Association for Sustainable Agriculture and Food in Poland
Director of the Association for Sustainable Agriculture and Food in Poland, co-author of the Association's reports on sustainable food and sustainability in the food industry, experienced expert in the field of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union as well as the European Green Deal in relation to the agri-food market.
Participates in the sessions:
#green trends: ESG in the food industry: the well-being of animals, the climate, the consumer
- Is ESG more than just a responsibility? What business benefits can implementation of various
aspects of the ESG strategy bring to companies (climate, well-being, environment)? - What does ESG mean for consumers? How will consumers of food products benefit from new
guidelines for businesses and EU legislative changes? - Well-being of animals, the climate, the consumer in strategies of food-related companies. Practical
examples. - Is a sustainable food system resilient to war, crises and global turmoil?
- ESG. How can the legislator support food-related companies?
- Producing healthier food is good for companies. How can the food industry influence consumer health
without losing profits?
- Is ESG more than just a responsibility? What business benefits can implementation of various